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Copyrighted MaterialsBASIC OPTICSAND OPTICALINSTRUMENTSRevised EditionPrepared by theNaval Education and Training ProgramDevelopment CenterDOVER PUBLICATIONS,INC.Mineola,New YorkAlthough the words "he,""him,"and"his"are used sparingly in this manual toenhance communication.they are not intended to be gender driven nor to affront ordiscriminate against anyone reading this text.Bibliographical NoteThis Dover edition,first published in 1997.is an unabridged republication of the revised1989 edition of the work originally published by the Naval Education and TrainingProgram Management Support Activity and the United States Government Printing Officeas Opticalman 3 2.NAVEDTRA 10215,prepared by OMC Fred A.Carson.The presentedition is an updated version of the 1966 Navy Training Course NAVPERS 10205,firstpublished by Dover Publications,Inc.,in 1969.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataCarson,Fred A.[Opticalman 3 2]Basic optics and optical instruments/prepared by the Naval Education and TrainingProgram Development Center.-Rev.ed.p.cm."This Dover edition,first published in 1997.is an unabridged republication of therevised 1989 edition of the work originally published by the Naval Education andTraining Program Management Support Activity and the United States GovernmentPrinting Office as Opticalman 3 2,NAVEDTRA 10215,prepared by OMC Fred A.Carson"-T.p.verso.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN0-486-22291-8(pbk.)1.United States.Navy-Optical instrument repairers-Handbooks,manuals,etc2.Optical instruments-Maintenance and repair-Handbooks.manuals.etc.I.Naval Education and Training Program Development Center.II.Title.VG603.C371997681'.4-dc2196-45679CIPManufactured in the United States by Courier Corporation22291809www.doverpublications.comCopyrighted MaterialsPREFACEThis training manual (TRAMAN)covers the basic theoretical knowledge andmental skills needed by the Opticalman(OM)Third and Second Ciass.A separatenonresident training course (NRTC)has been developed for OM3 and OM2.Thecompletion of these courses should be combined with the practical experienceacquired by on-the-job training.Completion of the NRTCs provide the usual way of satisfying the requirements forcompleting this TRAMAN.The assignments in the NRTCs include learning objec-tives and supporting questions that have been designed to help the student learn thematerial in the TRAMAN.This TRAMAN and the associated NRTCs were prepared by the Naval Educationand Training Program Management Support Activity,Pensacola,Florida,for theChief of Naval Education and Training.
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