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CODE V Macro-PLUS Reference ManualPage 1 of473CODE V Macro-PLUS Reference ManualCODE V Macro-PLUS参考手册Chapter 1 Introduction第1章简介Freedom to use an arithmetic expression anywhere a numeric input item is expected可在任何需要数字输入项的地方白由使用算术表达式Access to a broad range of CODE V maintained and calculated data访问CODE V罐护和计算的大量数据User-defined variables,arrays and functionsUser-controlled input/output (I/O)statements with sophisticated format controlThis sectione.TheTell me about...Using Macro-PLUSse of Expre色sionsLUS表达式用户定文变Programming with Macro-PLUSDebugging AidsMiscellaneous TopicsThings to Remember>Using Macro-PLUS使用Macro-PLUSFor those features that aavailable interactively (exs,EVA comtertheds as shoFor all other uses of Macro-PLUS (particularty programming features such as loops,IF tests,etc.),there is a two-step process.Macro and othercommands to be used must first be entered in a text file with the file extension .SEQ (also called a"sequence file,such as TEST3.SEQ )Thiscan be done with any text editor available under your operating system.Once the macro file is saved,you can run it using the Tools MacroManager menu,or by using the command line.file:///C:/Users/yuhai/AppData/Local/Temp/-hhD144.htm2022/10/18CODE V Macro-PLUS Reference ManualPage 2 of 473Running a Macro from the Command Lineme CODEV and macro commands in the file SAMPLE1.SEQ,you would run those commands by typing (in在命◆行中,使用带有文件名的N命◆,CODE V可以读入并执行志文件.例如,如果悠在文件SAMPLE1.SEQ中输入了一些CODE V和志命令,您可以通过键mand is also used WITHIN macros to run other macros asmaRunning a Macro Using the Tools Menu使用“工具装单运行宏:1.Choose the Tools Macro Manager menuThe Macro manager dialog box is displayed.rowse button.file:///C:/Users/yuhai/AppData/Local/Temp/~hhD144.htm2022/10/18CODE V Macro-PLUS Reference ManualPage 3 of 473Cisore'utng3.If your macro requires additional command inputs before it is run,enter the inputs in the Macro Arguments field.CODE V-supplied macros will automatically prompt you in a separate dialog box for any required arguments when you run those macros.However,you may need to use the Macro Arguments field for macros that you create.4.Click the Run buttonwv-1..C'C19miEditing a MacroYou can edit a macro that is currently selected in the Macro manager dialog box by clicking the Edit button.The selected macro is displayed ina text editor,where you can make the desired changes.Adding a Macro to the Favorites ListThe Favorites list of macros in the MacroanageFavorites list,enterAdd to Favorites button.Assigning a Macro to the ToolbarYou can assign macros to button on the toolbar.Assigning a macro to a tool bar button gives you quick access to macros that you use frequently.To assign a macro to a toolbar button:1.Select a macro in the Macro File field.You can do this by entering a macro name in the field,by clicking a macro name in the list box,or byclicking the Browse button to search for the desired macro2.Click the Assign to Toolbar button.The Customize dialog box is displayed.The selected macro is listed in the Macro File field in the New Settings area.3.If you want CODE V to prompt you for macro input parameters whenever you run the macro,select the Prompt for Input checkbax.4.Enter macro expressions or commands in the Command Line Arguments box.5.In the Buttons area,click the button to which you want to assign the macro.6.Click the Apply button in the New Settings area.7.Drag the macro's button from the Buttons area to the toolbar.Assigning a Macro to a MenuYou can modify CODE V menus so that your favorite macros are accessible from the Lens,Display,Review,Analysis,and Optimizationfile:///C:/Users/yuhai/AppData/Local/Temp/~hhD144.htm2022/10/18
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