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Elements of ModernOptical DesignDONALD C.O'SHEASchool of PhysicsGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta,GeorgiaA Wiley-Interscience PublicationJohn Wiley SonsNew York Chichester Brisbane/TorontoSingaporeA NOTE TO THE READERThis book has been electronically reproduced fromdigital information stored at John Wiley Sons,Inc.We are pleased that the use of this new technologywill enable us to keep works of enduring scholarlyvalue in print as long as there is a reasonable demandfor them.The content of this book is identical toprevious printings.Copyright 1985 by John Wiley Sons,Ine.All rights reserved.Published simultaneously in Canada.Reproduction or translation of any part of this workbeyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the1976 United States Copyright Act without the permissionof the copyright owner is unlawful.Requests forpermission or further information should be addressed tothe Permissions Department,John Wiley Sons,Inc.Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:O'Shea,Donald C.Elements of modern optical design.“A Wiley-Interscience publication.”Includes index.1.Optical instruments-Design and construction.I.Title.QC372.2.D4084198553584-197081SBN0-471-07796-8PrefaceThe skill of optical design,like many other skills,is acquired with a great dealof practice.The purpose of this textbook is to illustrate the techniques neededin optical design and to provide practice in their use.As with any skill orcraft,one cannot teach or explain how to design a specific new product.Instead,the basic elements of the skill are presented and some examples ofgood,or clever,work are shown with some analysis.It is up to the readerto work through the examples given in the text and other problems givenby the instructor or presented on the job.Through practice,the designer willdevelop his or her unique approach to the process.The great pleasure of design work is to propose a design,determine itsproperties,check these against the requirements for the real system,andmodify the design to enhance its usefulness.It is the imaginative working outof the design within the constraints of the real world that results in the initialfrustrations and final delight of a good design.This textbook is intended to provide the reader with the elements of modernoptical design.The basic process is that of tracing of light rays through theoptical system and the evaluation of the results.Until two decades ago this wassufficient for most optical systems.Now that lasers,modulators,and scannersare common components in many systems,they must be considered as part ofthe design process.It doesn't get any easier,but today it's a lot more fun.The organization of this text differs somewhat from that of most opticstexts.In most cases one starts with an exact ray trace and,after having derivedthe correct equations,performs a calculation.Then approximations are madeto simplify the equations,first to the paraxial case and then to the thin lensequation.While this approach leads to simplicity in the derivation of all subse-quent equations once the original ones are obtained,it does not provide anapproach that approximates the usual design process-simple first,complexlater.As will be noted in an examination of the table of contents,the text beginswith a review of optics usually taught in a sophomore physics course.Thismaterial is,for most people,the first,last,and only optics they will ever have-unless they have to design an optical system.Then they will need to knowconsiderably more optics.However,this does not mean that the thin lens
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