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INTERNATIONALISOSTANDARD10110-9First edition1996-03-15Optics and optical instrumentsPreparation of drawings for opticalelements and systemsPart 9:Surface treatment and coatingOptique et instruments d'optique -Indications sur les dessins pourPartie 9:Traitement de surface et revetementReference numberForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization)is a worldwidefederation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies).The workof preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISOtechnical committees.Each member body interested in a subject forwhich a technical committee has been established has the right to berepresented on that committee.International organizations,governmentaland non-governmental,in liaison with ISO,also take part in the work.ISOcollaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.Draft international Standards adopted by the technical committees arecirculated to the member bodies for voting.Publication as an InternationalStandard requires approval by at least 75%of the member bodies castinga vote.International Standard ISO 10110-9 was prepared by Technical CommitteeISO/TC 172.Optics and optical instruments.Subcommittee SC 1.Funda-mental standards.ISO 10110 consists of the tollowing parts,under the general title Opticsand optical instruments -Preparation of drawings for optical elementsand systems:-Part 1:General-Part 2:Material imperfections-Stress birefringence-Part 3:Material imperfections-Bubbles and inclusions-Part 4:Material imperfections-Inhomogeneity and striae-Part 5:Surface form tolerances-Part 6:Centring tolerances-Part 7:Surface imperfection tolerances-Part 8:Surface texture-Part 9:Surface treatment and coatingAll rights reserved.Unless otherwise specified,no part of this publication may be reproducedmicrofilm.without permission in writing from the publisher.International Organization for StandardizationCase Postale 56.CH-1211 Genave 20.SwitzerlandPrinted in Switzerland1S010110-9:1996(E)-Part 10:Table representing data of a lens element-Part 11:Non-toleranced dataPart 12:Aspheric surfaces-Part 13:Laser irradiation damage thresholdAnnex A ot this part of ISO 10110 is for information only.
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