首页期刊书籍Geometric, Physical, and Visual Optics 几何物理与视光学 Michael P. Keating, Ph.D (Auth.)







Geometric, Physical, and Visual Optics 几何物理与视光学 Michael P. Keating, Ph.D (Auth.)

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Geometric, Physical, and Visual Optics 几何物理与视光学 Michael P. Keating, Ph.D (Auth.)
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Copyright C2002 by Butterworth-HeinemannA member of the Reed Elsevier groupAll rights reserved.publisher.Every effort has been made to ensure that the drug dosage schedules within this text are accurate and conform tostandards accepted at time of publication.However,as treatment recommendations vary in the light of continuingresearch and clinical experience,the reader is advised to verify drug dosage schedules herein with information foundon product information sheets.This is especially true in cases of new or infrequently used drugs.free paper whenever possible.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataBritish Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataKeating,Michael P.Geometric,physical,and visual optics1.Optics 2.OptometryI.Title617.75The publisher offers special discounts on bulk orders of this book.For information,please contact:Manager of Special SalesButterworth-Heinemann225 Wildwood AvenueWoburn,MA01801-2041Tel:781-904-2500Fax781-9042620For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications available,contact our World Wide Web home page at:http://www.bh.com10987654321Printed in the United States of AmericaFor all who have been supportive-especially family,friends,colleagues,teachers,and my wife Mary Jean.光学课堂光学课堂光学课光学课堂光学课堂光学课堂光学课堂光学课堂光学课堂光学课堂光学光学课光学课光学课堂光学课堂光学课光学光学课光学课堂Preface to the Second Editionhile the basic philosophy of the first edition is retained in the secondedition,there are two significant modifications.One is a change in theorder of the chapters.The chapters on introductory astigmatism,prisms,and prism in lenses (which were Chapters 15,17,and 18 in the first edition)are nowChapters 10,11,and 12.This brings the core of the basic optics material for optometrystudents together in the first 12 chapters of the book.The second significant modification follows a review of each chapter for thepurpose of either updating the information,adding pertinent material,and/orimproving (i.e.,rewriting or condensing)the material.The review has resulted inminor changes in virtually all chapters,and extensive changes in four chapters(13,16,19,and 20).The review also resulted in over 70 figure revisions from the first editionto the second edition.The first 9 chapters contain minor changes that are designed to improve thepedagogical value of the chapters.In addition Chapter 9 contains a new section onaxial magnification.Chapter 10(Astigmatism:On Axis)is not only moved forward(from Chapter 15)but has certain sections that have been rewritten,including a morecoherent presentation on the Jackson Cross Cylinder Test for cylinder power refine-ment.The chapter on prisms in lenses (old Chapter 18)has been split into two parts.The first part of the chapter(with minor revisions)is now Chapter 12.Chapter 12 alsocontains an added section on retinoscopy reflex motion.The second part of theoriginal Chapter 18(which deals with the off-axis meridians of spherocylindricallenses)is now part of Chapter 13.On the whole,this book is not a matrix optics book.However matrices are usedextensively in two chapters-13 and 16.Matrices are a simple,yet powerful tool indealing both conceptually and quantitatively with optical systems (including thehuman eye)and in dealing with the off-axis aspects of astigmatism.The use ofmatrices has lead to significant increases in our knowledge of astigmatism and thestatistics of refractive errors particularly over the last 10 years.Furthermore there arenow inexpensive hand-held calculators that automatically perform matrix calcula-tions(as well as personal computer software that does the same).So one just enters thenumbers,presses the "calculate"button,and "presto"the answer appears.Chapter 13 uses the dioptric power matrix,which is the most fundamental way ofrepresenting astigmatism in all contexts.Parts of Chapter 13 are rewritten from the oldChapters 16 and 18,while other parts are new.Chapter 16 (old 12)discusses systemmatrices.My experience over 20 years is that my optometry students consider thismaterial easier than many other aspects of optics,and in particular easier than theprincipal plane system for understanding composite optical systems including thecorrected or uncorrected human eye.The system matrix approach also has the advan-tage that it is easily extended to spherocylindrical (astigmatic)systems.
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