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2013-05-08Prof.Herbert GrossFriedrich Schiller University JenaInstitute of Applied PhysicsAlbert-Einstein-Str 1507745 JenaSolution of ExercisesLecture Optical design with Zemax for PhD -Part 11.1Stair-mirror-setup11.2Symmetrical 4f-system41.3System layout with ideal lenses61.1Conic surface 71.1 Stair-mirror-setupSetup a system with a stair mirrro pair,which decenters an incoming collimated ray bundel with 10mm diameter by 40 mm in the -y direction.The wavelength of the beam is =632.8 nm.After thispair of mirrors a decentered main objectiv lens with focal length f=200 mm made of BK7 is located25 mm below the optical axis and focusses the beam.a)setup the systemb)generate layout drawings in 2D and in 3Dc)calculate the beam cross section on the second mirror,what is the size of the patternd)determine the optimal final sensor plane location.Calculate the spot of the focussed beam.Discussthe shape of this pattern.e)now extend the separation between the two mimros to 200mm.The system now should be modifiedto have an intermediate focal point in the midpoint between the mirrors.Calculate the radii of themirrors to recollimate the beam before the refractive lens.Determine again the best image plane.Ifthe spot diagram is considered,what is the reason for the drastic changeSolution:Decenter X Decenter Y Tilt Ahou.10.00.00000-45.00045,0000205.00-205.001/9Foorprint:the size of the beam in the local system is Dx=20 mm,Dy=28.3 mmThe final image location is determined by the quick focus option.The spot has a typical coma-shapedstructure due to the off-axis usgae of the lens.The modified data are now with the radii -282 mm and +282 mm(due to the change of sign by thefirst mirror)respectivelyLens Data EditorEdit Solves View HelpSurf:TypeRadiusThicknessSemi-DiameterStandardInfinityInfinity0.00000001StandardInfinity30.000000010.00000002Coordinate..0.00000000.0000000Standard-282,00000000,0000000MIRROR18.00000005-200.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000006*standard282.00000000.0000000MIRROR18.0000000U>Coordinate..30,00000000.0000000Standard205,000000015,0000000BK50.0000000Standard-205.0000000P97.560515550.0000000IMAStandard14.1430211The layout and the spot diagram looks as follows:Since the spherical mirrors induce a large astigmatism,the focussing only looks fine the the y-z-plane.The elliptical shape neat the circle of least confusion dominates over the coma.
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