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2013-06-25Prof.Herbert GrossFriedrich Schiller University JenaInstitute of Applied PhysicsAlbert-Einstein-Str 1507745 JenaSolution of ExercisesLecture Optical design with Zemax for PhD-Part 99.1Achromatea)Calculate a classical achromate with the basic data:object at infinityfocal length f 10 mmimage side numerical aperture NA'=0.05-glass materials BK7 and SF6-wavelength used:d,F,CPerformance:1.spherical correction at the aperture boundary zero2.achromatic correction with identical image position for F and CIs the system diffraction limited on axisb)Describe the perfommance for a finite field angle of 2.c)If the glass SF6 is used instead of SF12,can a system with equivalent quality be obtained9.2 High-NA CollimatorAn achromatic system is typically diffraction limited for a numerical aperture not larger then NA =0.1.For a point on axis,by adding an aplanatic-concentric meniscus-shaped lens,the numerical aperturecan be increased by a factor correponding to the refractive index of the lens.This principle is shown inthe exercise 6.1aLoad an achromate with focal length f=100 mm from a vendors catalogue with a diameter ofat least 30 mm.Take the wavelength to =632.8 nm.Reduce the entrance pupil diameter to achievea diffraction limited system according to the Marechal criterion of Wms14.Add one aplanatic-concentric meniscus lens of a high-index medium of appropriate distance and thickness.b)Now add more meniscus lenses,until the image space NA is larger than 0.6.The thickness ofthese lenses should again be chosen appropriate to get manufacturable components (ratio ofdiameter to thickness not larger then 10).Show,that the spherical aberration contribution of themeniscus is zero for all orders of spherical aberration.What is the resulting free working distance ofthe final systemc)Now try to further improve the system by numerical optimization.Is it possible to get betterperformance Think on the definition of proper constraints to get a reasonable and comparablesystem.9.3Correction with Burried SurfaceSelect an achromatic system with focal length f=50 mm out of a vendor catalog.For an incomingcollimated beam diameter of 10 mm this gives a nearly diffraction limited imaging quality for =546nm.Now increase the numerical aperture by inserting a aplanatic concentric lens with thickness 3 mm1/22and made of the glass F9.Now a broadband spectrum is considered,which is characterized by thewavelengths e F C'.Show,that the performance for blue and red is not diffraction limited.In the next step,the meniscus lens is splitted into a cemented component,where the second lens ismade of the glass SK16.This gives a burierd surface lens.Show,that the comrection for green is notperturbed.Is the spot better or unchanged Improve now the chromatic correction by optimizing thecemented surface of the burier component.Is the performance diffraction limited over the completespectral range Now re-optimize the first achromatic component only with the radii.What is theoverall performance nowIn a last step,combine the system with a the reversed version to get a perfect symmetrical system.The distance between the two parts should be 2 mm.Show that for a finite field of height 3 mm theasymmetrical aberrations vanish completly.What is the remaining and dominating aberration
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