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INTRODUCTION TODESIGNWith Practical ZEMAX ExamplesJoseph M.GearyCenter for Applied OpticsINTRODUCTION TOENDESIGNWith Practical ZEMAX ExamplesJoseph M.GearyCenter for Applied OpticsUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvillePublished byTMWillmann-Bell,Inc.P.O.Box 35025,Richmond,Virginia 23235 USA(804)320-7016www.willbell.comPublished by Willmann-Bell,Inc.P.O.Box 35025,Richmond,Virginia 23235All Rights ReservedReproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sec-tions 107 or 108 of the United States Copyright Act without written permission ofthe copyright owner is unlawful.Requests for permission or further informationshould be sent to the Permissions Department,Willmann-Bell,Inc.,P.O.Box35025,Richmond,VA 23235.Printed in the United States of AmericaFirst Printing:September,2002Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataGeary,Joseph M.Introduction to lens design:with practical ZEMAX examples Joseph M.Gearyp.m.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN0-943396-75-11.Lenses--Design and construction.2.Lenses--Design and construction-Dataprocessing.3.ZEMAX.I.TitleQC385.2.D47G43202681'.423-dc212002026274The following trademarks are acknowledged here and elsewhere in this book:CODE V by Optical Research Associates,LensVIEW by Optical Data Solutions,OSLO by Sinclair Optics and ZEMAX by Focus Software020304050607080910987654321
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