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Micro-opticsElements,systems and applicationsEdited byHANS PETER HERZIGInstitute of Microtechnology,University of Neuchatel,SwitzerlandTaylor &FrancisUTaylor Francis Ltd,1 Gunpowder Square,London EC4A 3DESATaylor Francis Inc.,1900 Frost Road.Suite 101,Bristol,PA 19007Copyright Taylor Francis Ltd 1997All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in aelectrostatic,magnetic tape,mechanical,photocopying,recording or otherwise,without the prior permission of the copyright owner.ContentsBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.ISBN0-7484-0481-3(coth)Library of Congress Cataloging Publication Data are availableCover design by Jim WilkicThe book cover shows an array of refractive micro-lenses (diameter 190 umfocal length=330 um).The array has been fabrieated by Ph.Nussbaum andphotographed by R.Volkel.Typeset in Times 10/12pt by Keyset Composition,Colchester,EssexPrefacepage viiContributors1 Design of Refractive and Diffractive Micro-optics7by H.P.Herzig2 Diffraction Theory of Microrelief Gratings31by J.Turunen3 Binary Optics Fabrication53by M.B.Stern4 Direct Writing of Continuous-relief Micro-optics87by M.T.Gale5 Refractive Lenslet Arrays127by M.C.Hutley6 Replication153by M.T.Gale7 Planar Integrated Free-space Optics179by J.Jahns8 Stacked Micro-optical Systems199by W.Singer and K.H.Brenner9 Laser Beam Shaping223by J.R.LegerContents10 Hybrid(Refractive/Diffractive)Optics259by G.P.Behrmann and J.N.Mait11 Fourier Array Generators293by J.N.Mait12 Polarization Transformation Properties of High SpatialFrequency Surface-relief Gratings and their Applications325by C.W.Haggans and R.K.KostukPrefaceIndex355This book presents the properties and the potential of micro-optical elements,which are key components for building compact optoelectronic systems.Besidesthe theoretical background and an overview of current fabrication technology,thebook covers recent applications and future trends.The book concentrates on diffractive and refractive micro-optical elements,suchas lenses,fan-out gratings,optimized phase elements,and polarizers.Theseelements are fabricated using modern technology to produce refractive indexmodulation or surface-relief modulation.Almost any structure shape,includingasymmetric aspherics,can be manufactured,which provides all degrees of freedomfor the design.Chapter 1 introduces the design fundamentals of diffractive optical elements(DOEs)and compares their optical properties with those of refractive elements.The design is based on scalar diffraction theory and geometrical ray-tracing.Chapter 2 presents the rigorous diffraction theory of surface-relief gratings,andoutlines approximate methods which are applicable when the grating period d>or d<
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