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Fundamentals of Micro-opticsTechnology,Devices and ApplicationsA comprehensive overview of the micro-optics field,from the relevant fundamentalphysics to advanced applications,the book covers the essentials of optics,optical mate-rials,micro-optical devices and systems.Micromirrors,refractive microlenses,diffrac-tive optics,waveguide optics,and active micro-optical components are covered in detail,as are fabrication and assembly technologies and advanced topics in micro-and nano-optics.Designed for use in the classroom,the text includes a large number of workedexamples,a spectrum of problems for each topic and an extensive bibliography.Hans Zappe is Professor of Micro-optics in the Department of Microsystems Engi-neering at the University of Freiburg,Germany.Born in France and raised in New York,he earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from MIT and his PhD from the Uni-versity of Califomia,Berkeley,all in Electrical Engineering.After pursuing researchactivities in electronics,integrated optics and semiconductor lasers at IBM,the Fraun-hofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics,the Paul Scherrer Institute and the Cen-tre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique,he joined the University of Freiburgin 2000.His present research interests focus on tunable micro-optics,optical micro-systems for medical applications and novel nano-optics,at least for those momentswhen he isn't distracted by Pierre Herme apricot-pistachio macaroons.Fundamentals ofMicro-opticsTechnology,devices and applicationsHans Zappe
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