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2013-01-05Prof.Herbert GrossFriedrich Schiller University JenaInstitute of Applied PhysicsAlbert-Einstein-Str 1507745 JenaExercisesLecture Optical design with Zemax-Part 666.16.2Schmidt telescope.....6.3Retrofocus lens.............................26Correction6.1TripletA classical Cooke triplet with object in infinity,entrance pupil diameter 20 mm,spectal sampling linesd,F,C and the dataSurfTypeRadiusThi cknessGlassDiameterConicOBJ STANDARDSTANDARD01SK160990STANDARD-435.76040STANDARD-22.213280.99997464.750409F2STOSTANDARD20.29192STANDARD79.68362.952076SK160006 STANDARD-18.3953342.20778IMA STANDARDInfinity36.345320is given.a)Optimize the system with the required data:finite object distance 150 mmentrance pupil diameter 6 mmwavelengths:450,550,650 nmfield height 12.5 mmoverall site(total track)from first surface until image plane:210 mmperformance diffraction limitedb)Increase the numerical aperture until the diffraction limit is violated.6.2Schmidt telescopeSetup a system with a focussing spherical mirror with focal length f=25 mm,an incoming beam withdiameter D=20 mm at the wavelength 632.8 nm.a)The system is far from beeing diffraction limited.In the so called Schmidt telecope,an asphericalplate is located in front of the mirror to comrect the spherical aberration.Optimize a Schmidt corrector,1/2
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