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The Art and Science of Optical Design

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The Art and Science of Optical Design
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THE ART ANDSCIENCE OF OPTICALDESIGNUniversity of ArizonaCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSPUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGELenses are used in a great variety of applications,ranging from photography toThe Pitt Building,Trumpington Street,Cambridge CB2 IRP,United Kingdomtiberoptic communications systems.Ihis book is a comprehensive introductionto lens design,covering the fundamental physical principles and key engineeringissues.It describes clearly how to carry out the design of a lens,from the initial40 West 20th Street.New York,NY 10011-4211.USAlayout to the final analysis and tolerance evaluation.In illustrating this process,10 Stamford Road,Oakleigh.Melbourne 3166,Australiaseveral practical examples of modern computer-aided lens design are worked outin detail from start to finish.Cambridge University Press 1997The basic theory and results of geometrical and physical optics are presentedearly on in the book,along with a discussion of optical materials.Aberrations,This book is in copyright.Subject to statutory exceptionand their correction,and image analysis are then covered in great detail.Sub-and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place withoutseqnent chapters deal with design optimization and tolerance analysis.Severalthe written permission of Cambridge University Press.design examples are then given,beginning with basic lens design forms,progres-sing to zoom and aspheric lenses,and to advanced systems,such as gradientIn covering all aspects of optical design.from the fundamental physical prin-Printed in the United States of Americaciples through to the use of modern lens design software,this book will beTypeset in 11/14pt Times New Romaninvaluable to students of optical engineering as well as to anyone engaged inShannon,Robert Rennie,1932The art and science of optical design Robert R.Shannonp.cm.1.Lenses-Design and construction.I.TitleQC385.2.D47s531997681'423dc20the British LibraryISBN 0 521 45414 X hardbackCONTENTSTo Helen,Prefacepage xithe light of my life.Acknowledgmentsandthe focus of my endeavors.1INTRODUCTION:THE ART AND SCIENCE OF DESIGN11Science and Art in Optical DesignStarting a Design61.2.1 Detailed Description of a Lens7Evaluating a Design141.5Completing a Lens Design201.6This Book222BASIC OPTICS FOR DESIGN242.1372.1.2 Ray Tracing582.1.3 Wavefront Determination2.14Extended Sine ConditionIsoplanatism832.1.5 Astigmatism and Field Curvature982.2Physical Optics1062.2.1 Diffraction Images2.2.2 Computation of Diffraction Images23Optical Materials1352.3.1 Optical Glass2.3.2Other Transmitting Materials158
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