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CYBERNETENERGY FOR YOUR INNOVATION光学微结构绕射影响之成像镜头杂散光分析Analysis of Stray Light in an Imaging Lens Using Multiple,Integrated Simulation Techniques工程部副理思渤科技Analyzing Stray Light in an Imaging-LensCOPYRIGHT 2017.CYBERNET SYSTEMS(Shanghai)Co.,LtdOverviewThe analysis and control of stray light,composed of ghost images and flare,is an important butcomplex task for the design of imaging systemsGhost images arise from multiple reflections off of surfaces in the primary optical pathOf specific concern are ghost images that impinge onthe image plane at or near a focusFlare can arise from light reflecting off of lens mounts,non-optical surfaces of the lenses (such as flats andedges),and as a reflection off of the detector itselfreimaged back onto the detectorModelling light reflected off of the detector can becomplicated by diffraction from the microstructure ofthe detectorIn this talk we will discuss various computationalapproaches to simulating stray light in an imaging lens-All computation was done with Synopsys software,CODE V,RSoft Device Tools,and LightToolsGhost images in a cell phone camera image©2017 Synopsys,lnc.2Analyzing Stray Light in an Imaging LensGhost ImagesGhost images arise fromreflections off of two surfaces inReflectionPrimary Imagethe primary optical pathPrimary ImageCan include a reflection from thedetector itself18Light is then re-imaged back10onto the image planeIf that light is near focus,then theresulting ghost image can besubstantialGhost images can typically beExample 2analyzed by sequential rayExample 1tracing software since theGhostsurfaces involved are from theGhost ImageImagesmain imaging path©2017 Synopsys,.Inc.3Analyzing Stray Light in an Imaging Lens
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