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THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONAUA CAMPUSUniversity LibrariesREPOSITORYThe application of the Delano y-y diagram to optical designItem Typetext;Dissertation-Reproduction (electronic)AuthorsLopez-Lopez,Fernando JosePublisherThe University of Arizona.RightsCopyright is held by the author.Digital access to this materialis made possible by the University Libraries,University of Arizona.Further transmission,reproduction or presentation (such aspublic display or performance)of protected items is prohibitedexcept with permission of the author.Download date05/07/201803:43:07http://hdl.handle.net/10150/582195THE APPLICATION OF THEDELANODIAGRAM TO OPTICAL DESIGNbyFernando Jose Lopez-LopezA Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of theCOMITTEE ON OPTICAL SCIENCESIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor.the Degree ofDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYIn the Graduate CollegeTHE UNIVERSITY.OF ARIZONA1973THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONAGRADUATE COLLEGEI hereby recommend that this dissertation prepared under mydirection by Fernando Jose Lopez-Lopezentitled The Application of the Delano yg Diagramto Optical Designbe accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement of thedegree ofDoctor of PhilosophyDissertation DirectorDateAfter inspection of the final copy of the dissertation,thefollowing members of the Final Examination Committee concur inits approval and recommend its acceptance:This approval and acceptance is contingent on the candidate'sadequate performance and defense of this dissertation at thefinal oral examination.The inclusion of this sheet bound intothe library copy of the dissertation is evidence of satisfactoryperformance at the final examination.
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