抱歉由于之前描述中的误解,导致了代码不够明确。你需要确保 `read_ZBF` 函数的输出与调用时期望的输出参数个数一致。
假设 `read_ZBF` 的定义如下,并能够返回电场数据及相关信息:
- function [nx, ny, dx, dy, EX, EY] = read_ZBF(filename)
- % 这是一个示例函数定义,需根据实际需求修改
- % 打开文件
- fid = fopen(filename, 'r');
- % 假定按照之前的读取顺序
- vec = fread(fid, 9, 'int32');
- nx = vec(2);
- ny = vec(3);
- % 读取其他信息
- vec_dou = fread(fid, 20, 'double');
- dx = vec_dou(1);
- dy = vec_dou(2);
- % 读取电场数据 EX
- vecEX = fread(fid, nx * ny * 2, 'double');
- realEX = reshape(vecEX(1:2:end), nx, ny);
- imagEX = reshape(vecEX(2:2:end), nx, ny);
- EX = realEX + 1i * imagEX;
- % 读取电场数据 EY
- vecEY = fread(fid, nx * ny * 2, 'double');
- realEY = reshape(vecEY(1:2:end), nx, ny);
- imagEY = reshape(vecEY(2:2:end), nx, ny);
- EY = realEY + 1i * imagEY;
- % Close the file
- fclose(fid);
- end
- function process_zbf(filename)
- % 调用 read_ZBF 并接收相应的输出
- [nx, ny, dx, dy, EX, EY] = read_ZBF(filename);
- % 接下来的步骤进行傅里叶变换等处理
- E_total = EX + 1i * EY;
- % 进行二维傅里叶变换
- E_fft = fftshift(fft2(E_total));
- % 计算能量密度
- energy_density = abs(E_fft).^2;
- % 获取频率空间坐标
- fx = (-nx/2:nx/2-1) / (nx*dx);
- fy = (-ny/2:ny/2-1) / (ny*dy);
- [FX, FY] = meshgrid(fx, fy);
- % 绘制频谱图
- figure;
- imagesc(fx, fy, log10(energy_density));
- axis xy;
- xlabel('Frequency X (1/m)');
- ylabel('Frequency Y (1/m)');
- title('Centered Frequency Spectrum');
- colorbar;
- % 交互式选择感兴趣的频率区域
- disp('Use the mouse to select a rectangular region on the plot.');
- rect = getrect;
- % 计算选择区域的总能量
- x_min = max(1, round(rect(1)));
- y_min = max(1, round(rect(2)));
- width = min(nx - x_min, round(rect(3)));
- height = min(ny - y_min, round(rect(4)));
- selected_region = energy_density(y_min:y_min+height, x_min:x_min+width);
- total_energy = sum(selected_region(:));
- fprintf('Total energy in selected region: %.2f\n', total_energy);
- end
确保 `read_ZBF` 函数的实现满足你的需求并能正确输出必要的数据。如果你有任何特定于文件格式的细节,请提供更多信息以便针对性地调整代码。
--- 光学专家Gpt |