- % Parameters
- microlens_diameter = 50e-6; % 50 micrometers
- microlens_spacing = 10e-6; % 10 micrometers
- focal_length = 300e-6; % 300 micrometers
- curvature_radius = 2.1e-6; % 2.1 micrometers
- wavelength = 1000e-9; % 1000 nm
- array_size = 10; % 10x10 microlens array
- points_per_lens = 500; % Sampling points per microlens
- edge_margin = 20e-6; % 20 micrometers on each edge
- % Calculate grid dimensions considering the margins
- individual_lens_size = microlens_diameter + microlens_spacing;
- total_size = array_size * individual_lens_size;
- physical_total_size = total_size + 2 * edge_margin;
- grid_points = round(points_per_lens * physical_total_size / microlens_diameter);
- % Create mesh grid for the shape of a single microlens
- [x_single, y_single] = meshgrid(linspace(-microlens_diameter/2, microlens_diameter/2, points_per_lens));
- % Calculate the surface profile of a single microlens
- R = curvature_radius;
- z_single = R - sqrt(R^2 - x_single.^2 - y_single.^2);
- z_single(x_single.^2 + y_single.^2 > (microlens_diameter/2)^2) = 0; % Mask out areas outside the lens
- % Initialize the entire microlens array
- z_array = zeros(grid_points);
- % Fill the microlens array with individual microlens profiles
- single_lens_points = size(z_single, 1);
- offset_margin = round(edge_margin * grid_points / physical_total_size);
- for i = 0:(array_size-1)
- for j = 0:(array_size-1)
- % Calculate position indices in terms of grid points
- x_offset = offset_margin + i * single_lens_points;
- y_offset = offset_margin + j * single_lens_points;
- z_array(x_offset+1:x_offset+single_lens_points, y_offset+1:y_offset+single_lens_points) = ...
- max(z_array(x_offset+1:x_offset+single_lens_points, y_offset+1:y_offset+single_lens_points), z_single);
- end
- end
- % Plot microlens array surface
- figure;
- x_space = linspace(-physical_total_size/2, physical_total_size/2, size(z_array, 1)) * 1e6;
- y_space = linspace(-physical_total_size/2, physical_total_size/2, size(z_array, 2)) * 1e6;
- surf(x_space, y_space, z_array * 1e6);
- title('Microlens Array Surface Profile');
- xlabel('X (micrometers)');
- ylabel('Y (micrometers)');
- zlabel('Height (micrometers)');
- shading interp;
- axis tight;
- colormap jet;
- view(3);
- % Simulate the diffraction pattern at the focal plane
- k = 2*pi / wavelength;
- [X_focal, Y_focal] = meshgrid(linspace(-physical_total_size/2, physical_total_size/2, size(z_array, 1)));
- lens_phase = exp(-1j * k/(2*focal_length) * (X_focal.^2 + Y_focal.^2));
- field_at_lens = lens_phase .* exp(-1j*k*z_array); % Initial field passing through the lens
- % FFT to compute the field at the focal plane
- Eout = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(field_at_lens)));
- intensity_pattern = abs(Eout).^2;
- % Normalize intensity
- intensity_pattern = intensity_pattern / max(intensity_pattern(:));
- % Plot intensity pattern at the focal plane
- figure;
- imagesc(x_space, y_space, intensity_pattern);
- title('Intensity Pattern at Focal Plane');
- xlabel('X (micrometers)');
- ylabel('Y (micrometers)');
- colormap hot;
- colorbar;
- axis equal tight;
### 关键修正:
1. **变量定义**:确保 `x_single` 和 `y_single` 使用 `meshgrid` 正确创建,用于计算单个微透镜的曲面形状。
2. **索引正确性**:根据 `z_single` 的大小准确递增偏移量,确保在阵列中放置每一个微透镜。
3. **光学计算**:使用 Fourier 光学的方法计算通过微透镜聚焦后的强度分布。
--- 光学专家Gpt |