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1 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Albert-Einstein-Str. 7, 07745 Jena, Germany
2 Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany *pol.ribes@iof.fraunhofer.de


提出了一种用来仿真激光晶体封装技术中的诱导应力的方法,并对激光腔内部的双折射效应进行研究。这种方法已经由软件ANSYS 17.0通过热机械仿真来实现。ANSYS的结果稍后被导入到VirtualLab Fusion软件中,这款软件按照波长及偏振性对输入输出光束进行分析。研究是建立在一种用于玻璃或晶体光学封装中低应力焊接技术,也被称作焊机泵浦技术的背景下。分析结果表明对于由钇铝石榴石活性激光晶体构建的激光腔,二次谐波发生器β-钡硼酸盐,以及由低应力焊机泵浦技术组装的熔融石英的输出激光镜来说,输入及输出激光光束几乎没有差异。
○c2017 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (140.0140) Lasers and laser optics; (220.0220) Optical design and fabrication; (260.1440) Birefringence.


1. S. Ferrando, M. Galan, E. Mendez, E. Romeu, D. Montes, A. Isern, M. Jardi, J. Juliachs, G. Viera. “Innovative optical techniques used in the Raman instrument for Exomars,” in ICSO International Conference on Space Optics,Greece 2010.
2. P. Ribes-Pleguezuelo, C. Koechlin, M. Hornaff, A. Kamm, E. Beckert, G. Fiault, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann,“High-precision optomechanical lens system for space applications assembled by a local soldering technique,” Opt.Eng. 55(6), 065101 (2016).
3. E. Beckert, T. Oppert, G. Azdasht, E. Zakel, T. Burkhardt, M. Hornaff, A. Kamm, I. Scheidig, R. Eberhardt, A.Tünnermann, F. Buchmann, “Solder jetting–a versatile packaging and assembly technology for hybrid photonics and optoelectronical systems,” in Proceedings of IMAPS 42nd Int. Symp. on Microelectronics, California, (2009) pp. 406.
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5. C. Rothhardt, J. Rothhardt, A. Klenke, T. Peschel, R. Eberhardt, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann “BBO-sapphire sandwich structure for frequency conversion of high power lasers,” Opt. Mater. Express 4, 1092 (2014).
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15. Physical optics design software “Wyrowski VirtualLab Fusion”, developed byWyrowski Photonics UG, distributed by LightTrans GmbH, Jena Germany. http://www.lighttrans.com.
16. S. Zhang, Applied Computational Optics Group, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena,Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany, C. Hellmann and F. Wyrowski are preparing a manuscript to be called
“Algorithm for the propagation of electromagnetic fields through etalons and crystals.”
17. D. Eimerl, L. Davis, S. Velsko E. K. Graham A. Zalkin, “Optical, mechanical, and thermal properties of barium borate,” J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1968–1983 (1987).
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22. D. Asoubar, S. Zhang, F. Wyrowski, M. Kuhn, “Laser resonator modeling by field tracing: a flexible approach for fully vectorial transverse eigenmode calculation,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31(11), 2565-573 (2014).
23. D. Asoubar, S. Zhang, F.Wyrowski, “Simulation of birefringence effects on the dominant transversal laser resonator mode caused by anisotropic crystals,” Opt. Express 23, 13848-3865 (2015).
24. D. Asoubar and F. Wyrowski, “Fully vectorial laser resonator modelling of continuous-wave solid-state lasers including rate equations, thermal lensing and stress-induced birefringence,” Opt. Express 23, 1880218822 (2015).
25. P. Ribes-Pleguezuelo, A. Moral, M. Gilaberte, P. Rodríguez, G. Rodríguez, M. Laudisio, M. Galan, M. Hornaff.E. Beckert, R. Eberhardt, A. Tünnermann, “Assembly processes comparison for a miniaturized laser used for the Exomars European Space Agency mission,” Opt. Eng. 55, 116107 (2016).

1. 简介


所谓焊机泵浦技术(图1)使用由各种软焊料合金(如锡基无铅焊料、低熔点合金或高熔点共熔合金金-锡,金-硅或金-锗焊料) 制成的直径范围为40至760μm的球形焊料预成型件。为了能够通过焊接技术将玻璃或晶体连接到金属或陶瓷基板上,这就要求将可附着的金属层涂覆到光学元件上,可通过物理汽相沉积(PVD)实现[3]。



2. 仿真方法

就我们的研究而言,我们选择了由DPSSL器件中最著名和最常用的激光材料代表的平面-平面激光腔(图2);钇铝石榴石或掺钕钇铝石榴石活跃晶体(Y3Al5O12),一个二次谐波发生器(SHG) β−钡硼酸盐(β−BaB2O4或偏硼酸钡),以及最后一个由熔融石英(二氧化硅)制成的输出二向色激光镜。所选用的软焊料合金是SnAgCu(SAC),用于将激光元件连接到氮化铝基板(AIN)上。

图2所示,DPSSL腔的示意图。一个808nm的泵浦二极管,以及由三个组件表示的平面-平面激光腔;YAG晶体,SHG BBO和输出反射镜。

首先通过ANSYS 17.0软件用有限元法进行模拟,重复晶体的封装过程并计算出诱导应力。然后,通过每个组件的压电张量,计算应力引起的双折射被转换成电介质矩阵,最后被导入到VirtualLab Fusion软件来研究封装元件产生激光的能力。


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