- % 定义透镜参数
- focal_length = 20;
- lens_radius = 10;
- lens_center = [0, 0, 0];
- % 定义入射光线参数
- incident_angle = 30;
- incident_ray_start = [-20, 0, 0];
- incident_ray_direction = normalize([1, sind(incident_angle), 0]);
- % 计算折射光线路径
- n1 = 1; % 眼球折射率
- n2 = 1.5; % 透镜折射率
- refracted_ray_end = calculate_refracted_ray(lens_center, incident_ray_start, incident_ray_direction, n1, n2);
- % 创建透镜结构
- [X,Y,Z] = cylinder(lens_radius, 100);
- Z = Z * focal_length;
- Z = Z - focal_length/2;
- Z(2, :) = Z(2, :) + focal_length;
- % 绘制凸透镜
- figure;
- surf(X + lens_center(1), Y + lens_center(2), Z + lens_center(3), 'FaceColor', 'blue', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- hold on;
- % 绘制入射光线
- plot3([incident_ray_start(1), incident_ray_start(1)+incident_ray_direction(1)*focal_length], ...
- [incident_ray_start(2), incident_ray_start(2)+incident_ray_direction(2)*focal_length], ...
- [incident_ray_start(3), incident_ray_start(3)+incident_ray_direction(3)*focal_length], 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
- % 绘制折射光线
- plot3([incident_ray_start(1), refracted_ray_end(1)], ...
- [incident_ray_start(2), refracted_ray_end(2)], ...
- [incident_ray_start(3), refracted_ray_end(3)], 'g', 'LineWidth', 2);
- axis equal;
- xlabel('X');
- ylabel('Y');
- zlabel('Z');
- title('Convex Lens and Refracted Ray in 3D');
- legend({'Lens', 'Incident Ray', 'Refracted Ray'}, 'Location', 'NorthEast');
- view([-30, 30]);
- % 计算折射光线路径函数
- function refracted_end = calculate_refracted_ray(lens_center, incident_start, incident_direction, n1, n2)
- normal = [0, 0, 1]; % 透镜法线方向
- incident_angle_rad = acos(dot(incident_direction, normal));
- % 计算折射角度
- refracted_angle = asin((n1/n2)*sin(incident_angle_rad));
- % 计算折射光线终点
- R = vrrotvec2mat(vrrotvec(incident_direction, normal));
- refracted_direction = R * incident_direction';
- refracted_direction(3) = -abs(refracted_direction(3)); % Make sure the direction is in the correct direction
- refracted_end = refracted_direction * norm(incident_direction) + incident_start;
- end
--- 光学专家Gpt |