- % Parameters
- tau = 100e-15; % Pulse width in seconds
- lambda0 = 1550e-9; % Central wavelength in meters
- fiber_length = 10e-2; % Fiber length in meters
- % Generate frequency grid
- c = 3e8; % Speed of light in vacuum
- n = 2^12; % Number of points in frequency domain
- df = c/(2*fiber_length); % Frequency resolution
- f = (-n/2:n/2-1)*df; % Frequency grid
- % Define input pulse in time domain
- t = (-1000:1000)*1e-15; % Time vector for pulse
- P_in = 1; % Input power in Watts
- E_in = sqrt(P_in) * exp(-t.^2/(2*tau^2)); % Input electric field in time domain
- % Fourier transform of input pulse
- E_in_f = fftshift(fft(E_in));
- % Initialize arrays to store results
- spectral_width = zeros(size(f));
- % Loop over different input powers and fiber lengths
- for P_in = [0.5, 1, 1.5] % Different input powers
- for fiber_length = [5e-2, 10e-2, 15e-2] % Different fiber lengths
- % Propagation in fiber (example: linear propagation)
- E_out_f = E_in_f .* exp(-1i*2*pi*f.*fiber_length/(c/lambda0));
- E_out = ifft(ifftshift(E_out_f));
- % Calculate spectral width
- S = abs(fftshift(fft(E_out))).^2;
- spectral_width = sqrt(sum(S .* (f - mean(f)).^2)/sum(S));
- % Plot results or store them for further analysis
- disp(['Input Power: ', num2str(P_in), 'W, Fiber Length: ', num2str(fiber_length), 'm, Spectral Width: ', num2str(spectral_width)]);
- end
- end
--- 光学专家Gpt |