[优秀案例] 一个CODEV教学的例子

optkt 发表于 2023-6-14 10:20:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. How to learn how to do tolerance analysis in codev, please tell me the exact steps, what basic knowledge I need to prepare, and then set some small tasks for me to check the results of my learning.


  1. To learn how to do tolerance analysis in CODE V, you will need to have a basic understanding of optical systems and their behavior, as well as some knowledge of the manufacturing and assembly processes involved in creating these systems.

  2. Once you have this background, you can start by using the Tolerance Analysis features of CODE V. You can define your tolerance criteria and run simulations to see how the performance of your system changes with varying manufacturing and assembly errors.

  3. The exact steps to carry out tolerance analysis in CODE V vary depending on the specific analysis you want to perform. However, you can start by following these general steps:

  4. 1. Define your system using the LDE spreadsheet, specifying the properties of each optical element in your system.
  5. Create a tolerance list in the TOR spreadsheet, which will define the range of variations and combinations of manufacturing and assembly errors you want to simulate.

  6. 2. Perform the tolerance analysis by selecting "Run TOR" from the toolbar. This will run various simulations and provide a ranking of the most important errors affecting system performance.

  7. 3. Analyze the results to determine which errors you can fix in order to meet your system design requirements and keep manufacturing costs low.

  8. As for small tasks to practice learning tolerance analysis in CODE V, you can start by creating a simple optical system with a few elements and performing a basic tolerance analysis to determine which errors are most important to fix. You can then gradually increase the complexity of your system and your tolerance simulations.

  9. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

  1. 要学习如何在CODE V中进行公差分析,你需要对光学系统及其行为有基本的了解,并对创建这些系统的制造和装配过程有一些认识。

  2. 一旦你有了这些背景,你就可以开始使用CODE V的公差分析功能。你可以定义你的公差标准并运行模拟,看看系统的性能在不同的制造和装配误差下是如何变化的。

  3. 在CODE V中进行公差分析的具体步骤取决于你要进行的具体分析。但是,你可以从以下的一般步骤开始:

  4. 1. 使用LDE电子表格定义你的系统,指定你系统中每个光学元件的属性。

  5. 2. 在TOR电子表格中创建一个公差列表,这将定义你想模拟的制造和装配误差的变化范围和组合。

  6. 3.通过从工具栏中选择 "运行TOR "来进行公差分析。这将运行各种模拟,并提供一个影响系统性能的最重要的误差排名。

  7. 4.分析结果以确定哪些错误你可以修复,以满足你的系统设计要求并保持低制造成本。

  8. 至于在CODE V中练习学习公差分析的小任务,你可以从创建一个有几个元素的简单光学系统开始,进行基本的公差分析,以确定哪些误差是最需要修正的。然后你可以逐渐增加系统的复杂性和公差模拟。

  9. 我希望这对你有帮助! 如果你有任何其他问题,请告诉我。




  1. To learn how to do tolerance analysis in CodeV, you will need to have a basic understanding of optical design and the CodeV software. Here are the steps you can follow to get started:

  2. 1. Familiarize yourself with the CodeV user interface and basic functions. You can do this by going through the CodeV tutorials and user manual.

  3. 2. Learn about tolerance analysis theory and techniques. There are many resources available online that can help you understand the basics of tolerance analysis.

  4. 3. Define your optical system in CodeV. This includes creating the lens elements, setting up the optical properties, and defining the system layout.

  5. 4. Define the tolerances for each parameter in your system. This includes things like lens thickness, radius of curvature, and refractive index.

  6. 5. Run the tolerance analysis in CodeV. This will generate a report that shows the impact of the tolerances on the performance of your system.

  7. 6. Analyze the results and optimize your design. Use the information from the tolerance analysis to make adjustments to your design and improve its performance.

  8. Here are some small tasks you can use to check your understanding:

  9. 1. Create a simple lens system with two elements and define tolerances for the thickness and radius of curvature of each element. Run a tolerance analysis and see how the results change when you vary the tolerances.

  10. 2. Add a third element to your lens system and define tolerances for the refractive index of each element. Run a tolerance analysis and see how the results change when you vary the tolerances.

  11. 3. Create a more complex optical system with multiple elements and define tolerances for each parameter. Run a tolerance analysis and use the results to optimize your design.

  12. Remember that tolerance analysis is an iterative process, and it may take several iterations to achieve the desired performance. With practice and experience, you will become more proficient in using CodeV for tolerance analysis.


  1. 要学习如何在CodeV中进行公差分析,你需要对光学设计和CodeV软件有一个基本的了解。以下是您可以遵循的步骤来开始学习:

  2. 1.熟悉CodeV的用户界面和基本功能。您可以通过阅读CodeV的教程和用户手册来完成。

  3. 2.了解公差分析理论和技术。网上有很多资源可以帮助您了解公差分析的基本知识。

  4. 3.在CodeV中定义你的光学系统。这包括创建透镜元素,设置光学属性,以及定义系统布局。

  5. 4.定义系统中每个参数的公差。这包括像镜片厚度、曲率半径和折射率等。

  6. 5.在CodeV中运行公差分析。这将产生一份报告,显示公差对系统性能的影响。

  7. 6.分析结果并优化你的设计。使用来自公差分析的信息对您的设计进行调整并提高其性能。

  8. 这里有一些小任务,你可以用来检查你的理解:

  9. 1.创建一个有两个元件的简单透镜系统,定义每个元件的厚度和曲率半径的公差。运行一个公差分析,看看当你改变公差时,结果如何变化。

  10. 2.在透镜系统中添加第三个元素,并定义每个元素的折射率的公差。运行一个公差分析,看看当你改变公差时,结果是如何变化的。

  11. 3.创建一个更复杂的多元素光学系统并定义每个参数的公差。运行公差分析并使用结果来优化你的设计。

  12. 记住,公差分析是一个反复的过程,可能需要几次反复才能达到理想的性能。随着实践和经验的积累,你会更熟练地使用CodeV进行公差分析。




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