- ; -- Setup
- CT,0 ; Clear all surfaces and rays
- GA,I,1.5 ; Set glass type of input surface to BK7
- OB,-20,0,0 ; Set object point at -20mm along optical axis
- PP,15 ; Set paraxial pupil diameter to 15mm
- I,1 ; Set initial ray height to 1mm
- Iris,15,0 ; Set iris to 15mm diameter, fully open
- W,0,0 ; Turn off weighting
- ; -- Create lens
- S,10 ; Add spherical surface with radius of curvature of 10mm
- T,5.0,0,0 ; Add thickness of 5mm
- S,50 ; Add spherical surface with radius of curvature of 50mm
- T,5.0,0,0 ; Add thickness of 5mm
- S,-50,0,0 ; Add spherical surface with radius of curvature of -50mm
- T,10,0,0 ; Add thickness of 10mm (distance to image plane)
- Iris,15,1 ; Close iris to fully illuminated area of 15mm
- AS ; Perform a "Full Field" analysis
- ; -- Analyze MTF
- MTF,S1,1,633e-9,0,0,3.0 ; Calculate MTF for surface S1 at 633nm with 3.0 cy/mm sampling
- GET,MTF,S1 ; Retrieve MTF data from Code V
- SEL,M1 ; Select the lens
- OPTIMIZE,MTF ; Optimize lens for MTF
- ; -- Display Results
- DIS,MTF ; Display MTF results
这个Codev序列的关键点是在最后两行,使用了 `GET` 命令来获取MTF数据,并使用 `OPTIMIZE` 命令优化镜头以最大化MTF。MTF是在S1表面处以633nm波长进行计算的,并在3.0 cy/mm采样下计算。
--- 光学专家Gpt |