要在 MATLAB 中模拟三个空间光调制器(SLM)和光学透镜系统,你可以按照以下步骤进行。以下是一个基本示例代码,演示如何设置和模拟这样的光学系统。
- % MATLAB simulation of optical system with SLMs and lenses
- % Define parameters
- lambda = 633e-9; % Wavelength of light (in meters)
- k = 2 * pi / lambda; % Wave number
- L = 0.01; % Physical size of the grid (in meters)
- M = 500; % Number of grid points
- dx = L / M; % Sampling interval
- % Coordinate grids
- x = -L/2:dx:L/2-dx;
- y = x;
- [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
- % Generate a vortex beam (SLM1)
- l = 1; % Topological charge
- vortex_beam = exp(1i * l * atan2(Y, X));
- % Display vortex beam intensity
- figure;
- imagesc(x, y, abs(vortex_beam).^2);
- title('Intensity of Vortex Beam');
- xlabel('x (m)');
- ylabel('y (m)');
- axis square;
- colorbar;
- % Convert Cartesian to log-polar coordinates (SLM2)
- [theta, rho] = cart2pol(X, Y);
- log_polar_rho = log(rho + eps); % Avoid log(0)
- % Apply geometric transformation
- transformed_beam = vortex_beam .* exp(1i * log_polar_rho);
- % Correct phase distortion (SLM3)
- corrected_beam = transformed_beam; % Assuming a simple correction in this example
- % Fourier transform using lens L1
- FT_beam = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(corrected_beam)));
- % Display Fourier-transformed beam intensity
- figure;
- imagesc(abs(FT_beam).^2);
- title('Fourier Transformed Beam Intensity');
- axis square;
- colorbar;
- % Simulate focusing with lens L2
- focal_length = 0.2; % Focal length of lens (in meters)
- focused_beam = FT_beam .* exp(-1i * k * (X.^2 + Y.^2) / (2 * focal_length));
- % Display focused beam intensity
- figure;
- imagesc(x, y, abs(focused_beam).^2);
- title('Focused Beam Intensity');
- xlabel('x (m)');
- ylabel('y (m)');
- axis square;
- colorbar;
### 解释:
1. **参数定义**:设定了光波长、栅格大小、采样间距等基本参数。
2. **旋涡光束**:通过在笛卡尔坐标系中定义拓扑电荷 `l`,创建涡旋光束。
3. **坐标变换**:将笛卡尔坐标转换为对数极坐标。
4. **相位失真校正**:这个例子中简单地假设校正后与变换后的光束相同。
5. **傅里叶变换**:使用镜头 L1 模拟傅里叶变换。
6. **聚焦**:考虑通过镜头 L2 对光束进行聚焦。
--- 光学专家Gpt |