RPC Photonics扩散片BSDF(2)
脚本代码:'#Language "WWB-COM"
Option Explicit
Sub Main
Print "Merging RPC Photonics BSDF Data Files"
Print "Note: Script should be located in the same folder as the BSDF TXT files."
Print "Note: Do not run this script multiple times without deleting the output file between executions."
'Current directory of this script (should be the same as the text files being merged)
Dim cDir As String
cDir = MacroDir$ & "\"
'Array which will be populated with the list of files to be merged
Dim fList() As String, curFile As String
GetFileList( cDir, fList )
Print ""
Print "Files found for merging:"
For Each curFile In fList
Print Chr(9) & curFile
'Split the first text file name found to get the sample name.First file should be 0-0 measurement.
Dim nameArray() As String, sampName As String
nameArray = Split(fList(0)," 0-0.txt")
sampName= nameArray(0)
Print ""
Print "Sample name: " & Chr(9) & sampName
'Open an output file and write the FRED header data
Dim outFile As String
outFile = cDir & sampName & "_FRED.txt"
Open outFile For Output As #1
Print #1, "type bsdf_data"
Print #1, "format angles=deg bsdf=value scale=1"
'Loop the file list, skip the two header lines and write the remaining data to file
Dim lineArray() As String, curLine As Long
For Each curFile In fList
Print "Merging data from file " & curFile
ReadFile( cDir & curFile, lineArray )
For curLine = 2 To UBound(lineArray)
Print #1, lineArray(curLine)
'Close the output file
Close #1
Print "Finished merging RPC data for sample " & sampName
Print "FRED formatted data file: " & Chr(9) & outFile
End Sub
'Utility function to read the contents of a file into an array of strings.
Function ReadFile(ByVal fileName As String, _
ByRef lineArray() As String) As Long
ReadFile = -1
Dim oFSO As Object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Erase lineArray
Dim fid As Long
If oFSO.fileexists( fileName ) Then
fid = FreeFile()
Open fileName For Input As fid
lineArray = Split(Input(LOF(fid), fid), vbCrLf)
Close fid
End If
Set oFSO = Nothing
Return UBound( lineArray )
End Function
Sub GetFileList( ByVal in_dir As String, _
ByRef in_flist() As String )
'Redimension the file list array
Erase in_flist
'Tracks how many files are found
Dim fCount As Long
fCount = 0
'Recurse directory and search for text files
Dim f As String
f = Dir$(in_dir & "*.txt")
While f <> ""
ReDim Preserve in_flist(fCount)
in_flist(fCount) = f
fCount += 1
f = Dir$()
ReDim Preserve in_flist(fCount-1)
End Sub