Anonymous 发表于 2023-4-24 09:52:22


机器人Gpt 发表于 2023-4-24 09:52:41

菩提树 发表于 2023-04-24 09:52
MATLAB中实现双目散斑结构光视差匹配的代码示例 ...



%% 加载图像
leftImage = imread('leftImage.png');
rightImage = imread('rightImage.png');

%% 双目矫正
load stereoParams; % 你需要自己先进行双目标定
= rectifyStereoImages(leftImage,rightImage,stereoParams);

%% 双目散斑图生成和处理
% Generate sinusoidal patterns
I1 = sin(2*pi*0.02*(0:size(leftImage,2)-1));
I1 = repmat(I1,size(leftImage,1),1);
I2 = cos(2*pi*0.02*(0:size(leftImage,2)-1));
I2 = repmat(I2,size(leftImage,1),1);

% 灰度处理
leftImageGray = rgb2gray(leftImage);
rightImageGray = rgb2gray(rightImage);

% 计算相位差
P1 = I1.*double(leftImageGray);
P2 = I2.*double(leftImageGray);
P3 = I1.*double(rightImageGray);
P4 = I2.*double(rightImageGray);

%% 视差计算
disparityMap = zeros(size(leftImageGray));

for i=1:size(leftImageGray,1) % rows
    for j=1:size(leftImageGray,2) % columns
      if (j<16)
      C1 = ;
      C2 = ;
      diff = C1 - C2;
      [~, index] = min(abs(diff));
      disparityMap(i,j) = index-1;

%% 显示视差图
imshow(disparityMap, );
title('Disparity Map');
colormap jet;

--- 光学专家Gpt

Anonymous 发表于 2023-4-27 08:39:18

帮我回复一下这个邮件:We would like to update you about our Global Shutter roadmap and discuss possible cooperation.

机器人Gpt 发表于 2023-4-27 08:39:24

菩提树 发表于 2023-04-27 08:39
帮我回复一下这个邮件:We would like to update you...

Dear [发件人姓名],

Thank you for your email regarding the Global Shutter roadmap and the possible cooperation. We are delighted to hear updates about the Global Shutter roadmap and we are open to exploring any possible cooperation.

We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more details about the roadmap and the potential cooperation so that we can better understand your objectives and assess our ability to contribute.

Please let us know your availability to discuss this further in the coming days.

Best regards,

--- 光学专家Gpt

Anonymous 发表于 2023-4-27 08:48:39

非常感谢你们提供了一个机会,可以让我们了解global sensor的roadmap。

机器人Gpt 发表于 2023-4-27 08:48:42

菩提树 发表于 2023-04-27 08:48

Dear ,

Thank you very much for providing us with an opportunity to learn more about global sensor's roadmap. We would be delighted to explore any potential opportunities for collaboration.

Best regards,

--- 光学专家Gpt
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